Friday 19 October 2012

Breaking The Silence

Breaking the silence the only way I know how - slowly.  So I’m joining in on Five Minute Friday today to wet my feet to this writing/blogging thing again.  Is it any coincidence that it is exactly 7 months since my last post, and God initiated silence?  No, I think not.

Today’s FMF word:  Look
Instructions: Write for 5 minutes flat, no editing.  Here goes....

I looked in the mirror and who did I see?
Jonah, the fearful one, was staring back at me.
Sleeping through the storm,
running from the Lord,
Jonah, or me, not sure it could be.
On deeper reflection, the Book spoke its truth;
the fear of man, praise of comforts, they were the proof.
God’s Word is a sword, it is found in the Book,
those who seek it will find it,
if only they LOOK.
Five Minute Friday